Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One Week Later

It seems hard to believe that one week ago, at this moment, I was headed to Riverview Oncology and Hematology in Rexford, N.Y., to begin my first round of chemotherapy. It seems like forever-ago.

A lot has happened in that week. I finished listening to a book on tape: "The Life of Pi." Very strange, mildly thought-provoking book, and nothing to do with 3.14. I have gotten half way through "Common Sense" (surprisingly dull) and "The Rights of Man" (archaic language but overflowing with logic, meaning, and relevance) by Thomas Paine. The Red Sox got blown away by the Anaheim Angels. Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Lots of neighbors have so-very-kindly dropped off various home-cooked meals. What great neighbors we have. How lucky we are to have landed in this spot.

For the most part, "so far, so good." On Thursday, the day after the third round of chemo, I felt remarkably good. The swelling in my face had been reduced noticeably, although two big lymph nodes under my chin are still much too big. Friday I felt a bit queasy and headachey, but Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (yesterday), I felt pretty good, enough to take two modestly long (but easy) walks in the newly found Wolf Creek Falls Preserve, about seven miles up the road.

I can't say I am sleeping significantly better. I thought at first I was improving---maybe---in that regard, but I am not thinking that now. Those big nodes in the neck have to shrink more before that can happen, I think.

The most annoying part? Drinking all this water that I am supposed to drink. I keep working at it, and maybe it will become habit. I am told it is important, but it seems like it has to be an unrelenting obsession for me to consume three quarts a day.

So, that's the news for now. Time to go do some office work. Deadlines await.